Saturday, July 26, 2008

No Children Allowed

The next morning, actually the next afternoon they awoke to a phone ringing Audrey picks up the phone, and answers groggily, "hello just a moment" "Dorothy" it's Steven, "Steven" Dorothy said in a questionable tone of voice, she picked up the other phone by her bed and answers "Steven what's the matter everything OK,? Alexandria is not well she has a fever of a hundred and two for the past four hours and I'm not sure what to do, "well give her a couple of baby aspirin's and a cool bed bath to bring down the fever?" " well I gave her baby aspirins, the bath, "I'll do that soon as we hang up OK," "Steven before you go put the phone to her ear for me," "OK" he said, within seconds I could hear him close to her, "say hi mummy" he told her, "hi mummy" in this most sweetest voice, "hi baby, daddy tells me your not feeling very well" "no i don't," with a cry in her voice, "listen baby mummy's coming home to be with you, OK? "is there anything you want me to bring for you?" "no",she said whimperingly, "alright sweetheart I'll see you in a couple of hours love you honey" "bye mummy" Steven got back on the phone, "Steven I'm calling my trip short and I'll be home in a couple hours in the mean time call the ER and see what they say they might suggest to bring her in, talk to you later" "will do," said Steven, both hung up.
"I apologize Audrey but we have to cut our stay short, my baby Alexandria has a fever of a hundred and two," Audrey replies then you told Steven to do the right and only thing you can for her, the hospital will tell him the same thing to watch her fever if it gets to a hundred and four then take her in" Audrey continues to say, and it's no problem I would have the same response if it were my child."
On the way back home Dorothy is concerned and is anxious to be with her child, Audrey wants to take her mind of things. "Just hang in there we'll be there soon enough," well that didn't help much thought Audrey. "Hey I met this cute guy the other day at the hospital he sprained his wrist playing tennis and I happened to be working the ER floor, I was a few minutes away from clocking out when I saw him and thought he was gorgeous so decided to go and see if there was enough time to take care of him, "if there wasn't enough time I was going to make time," Dorothy laughed, "then what happened?" asked Dorothy, "well we started talking about how he injured his wrist, as time went on we realized we had things in common and liked a few of the same things we were together for about an hour and half and in that time I was hoping he would ask me out, so what did I do? I asked him out instead after I found out he wasn't married, this is a prerequisite" said Audrey. She continued. "I couldn't believe I mustered up enough gusto to ask, anyway we met after work at the WINDMILL we had a couple of hours to kill before the club closed, this gave us time to get to know more about each other, we danced, we laughed had a really nice no pressure time." "So we had another date, again we met for a late evening dinner it was wonderful I didn't want to leave him I wanted to get to know him even better" Audrey smiles wickedly, "if you get my drift, but I wasn't that bold, I went home disappointed." "There was another date this time I had him pick me up for a game of tennis we had a good time, we kissed i felt like I wanted to melt, I'm on his time schedule he has to make the first move to be intimate." Then Audrey looked over at Dorothy and asked, if she was OK was she boring her?, Dorothy responded by saying "I'm fine if I seem distant it's because I want to be there for my baby, get her, her water take her temperature, hold her, I love my children so much, being there for them, you know," "but keep telling me about your friend he's sound delicious go on keep talking," "how much time do we have till we get home? asked Audrey, oh about thirty minutes said Dorothy. Audrey proceeded to tell her story, "so after the game we went to a matinée to see a black and white classic, an AFFAIR TO REMEMBER, after the show we went back to my place, made some long island tea started kissing I slowed us down by offering to cook dinner for him, he accepted, told him to sit outside on the terrace and I'll start whipping something up." "After I had everything under control I got my drink and joined him on the terrace, the air was warm with a very light breeze I felt romantic the sun was just going down I gave him a kiss he kissed back our tongues were slightly touching like a tease, wanting more of him. We stopped and sat looking at the view, the view was very beautiful, you could see the ocean from her balcony it was looking even more beautiful now that the night has set in with all the light shimmering off the water, they talked enjoying themselves, dinner was ready I made a candle lit table with a beautiful flower arrangement quiet romantic which is the mood I wanted we sat down to eat had a bottle of red wine, Jake poured the wine." "That's his name Jake," Audrey explained, "we began to eat, once we had finished dinner we retired to the living room he kissed me on the cheek thanking me for a wonderful dinner," you know something I need a shower," said Jake, "so do I" said Audrey and she continued, "I could put your clothes in the laundry how does that sound?"sounds like a plan to me,"he said sultry, "OK, let's see who gets to the shower first" well it looks like you've already won, said Jake,"why is that?" said Audrey, because you know where the bathroom is, Audrey smiled, "why don't we call it a tie then they kissed slowly, undressing one another like they had all the time in the world. Audrey realized she was talking like she was reading a romantic novel, Audrey was smitten by him she continued her story. "So anyway we got into the shower Jake started soaping my body down and I started doing the same to him slowly,"Audrey's thinking now, I was really into him I couldn't believe the type of person he was and so attractive. Audrey started up again to finish her story, they were almost home." We then started washing each other's hair kissing at the same time." Jake whispered to me, "I really like you," we kissed a little harder our tongues touching, it was a sensual feeling he then turned me around kissed the nape of my neck and all around my back while soaping me down, he made me feel tingly all over, to sum it up we had sex and it was lovely we were so compatible it seem so right the two of us" "I left out all the juicy parts because we're almost home." Dorothy was quiet, then she said, "you took my mind of things for a while, you had me feeling what you were feeling a little aroused, I'm jealous, what happened to him?" I'll tell you some other time. Dorothy pulled up to Audrey's place, Audrey got her bags, "let me know about Alexandria OK."

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